Grooming FAQs

  • Our groomer is in Wednesday through Saturday from 8am-5pm.

  • All groom clients must provide current vaccine records for Bordetella, DHPP, and Rabies.

    *It is the pet parents responsibility to stay up to date on their pets vaccines and we will turn you away at the time of your appointment if you cannot provide proof of current vaccine records.

  • For the best experience, yes. Appointments allow us to give each pet the special attention and time they deserve. Please call us at (253) 525-0652 to set up your grooming appointment and to review our requirements have been met. Our grooming salon opens at 8:00 am, but you are welcome to drop off earlier than your appointment time if your pet is a member of our off-leash daycare program. If not, you must arrive at appointment time and pick up once you’ve received the call indicating your pet is finished with his/her spa treatment. Our groomer may need to reschedule appointments more than 15 minutes late. We require advance 24-hour notice of an appointment cancellation.

  • Prices are based on the coat type and size of the animal. Age, behavior, condition of coat, and any special needs can influence the cost of individual grooming services.

  • Puppies should be introduced to professional grooming as early as 8 weeks of age and scheduled for a follow up visit every 4-12 weeks depending on individual needs. This will gradually let your puppy get acquainted with the sights, sounds, smells and procedures in a much calmer, stress-free manner.

  • Frequency of grooming can depend on breed, coat type/length, lifestyle and how much brushing and detangling you do at home between grooming appointments. If your dog has a longer hair style or a coat that tends to get tangled he/she should be professionally groomed every 4 weeks with dematting as needed to preserve coat integrity. A dog with a short hair style or short coat can be groomed every 8-12 weeks as needed, with no adverse effect on the skin and coat.

  • A typical grooming procedure takes about 3 hours. Additional time may be needed for larger dogs or dogs with thick or matted fur. We may also take more time if your pet is harder to handle in the wet room or requires extra handling for grooming.

  • Our professional stylist will not tranquilize a pet to groom it. We are well trained to handle a nervous pet and treat every pet with tender loving care. If a pet is too agitated to be safely bathed or groomed, we will not attempt to force the service upon the pet. We advise owners who have dogs with intense sensitivities be groomed at a veterinary office where they can be safely sedated and handled.

  • No! In fact, we have a policy against the use of these devices. Our stylists are trained to hand-dry pets after they have been bathed. The process involves brushing out the coat to remove shedding hair, while blowing it dry with our professional drying equipment, that is larger than a hair dryer you might use at home. When the pet’s coat is almost completely dry, he/she is put into a holding compartment to rest. A high volume of room temperature air is circulated through the compartment and exited outside by a controlled exhaust system which allows for constant exchange of fresh air. We NEVER add heat to the circulating air.

  • No. All grooming pets are handled individually and do not have contact with any other animals during the grooming process. Off-leash clients will have a chance to play prior to their groom, but do not come into contact with other pets once the process is started.

  • No, shaving pets that have double coats or short coats can cause damage. This practice is well known to alter the ability to regrow healthy hair. Case-by-case situations may be reviewed, especially for the health of the pet, but we do not advocate or endorse shaving double or short coats.

  • Yes! Grooming is a year-round process. Some people prefer to let their dog’s fur be longer during the winter months. Contrary to popular belief, longer fur generally does not insulate your pet better due to the mats and tangles that do not allow proper airflow through the coat, leading to health problems. Short haired breeds also need attention in the cooler months as your pet’s skin can become dry and flaky due to a lack of humidity in the colder air. Regular shampooing, conditioning and brushing can help stimulate the natural oils to ease the dryness.

  • Hormones in a dog’s body control shedding. Most shedding seems to occur between winter and spring when the dog loses its thick winter coat. Shedding seems more prominent in breeds that originate from colder climates. Almost all dogs shed, including doodles and poodle mixes. A de-shedding grooming procedure can tremendously reduce the amount of hair left around your house. (Note: Excessive shedding that does not respond to treatment can be a symptom of an underlying health problem. Please consult your veterinarian.)

  • Shedding can be reduced by 60% to 80% after 1 to 2 applications of a shed-less treatment. No treatment will completely eliminate shedding. A de-shedding treatment consists of a specially formulated de-shedding shampoo followed by the application of a de-shedding conditioner. A special tool is then used to remove the undercoat and loose hair. Our professional blow drying equipment will also pull out loose undercoats.

  • While de-shedding can be applied on any coat, Shed-less treatments are formulated for “shedding” breeds such as Labs, Goldens, Shepherds, Huskies, Border Collies, Pugs, Shelties, Beagles, Dachshunds, Boxers, Malamutes, etc. These heavy shedding breeds experience the most relief from this style of treatment.

  • Dry skin, hot spots and fleas are the most common cause of itchy skin. We offer medicated baths, fragrance-free hypo baths, oatmeal baths and flea treatments to sooth your pet’s skin.

  • Your dog’s coat protects his skin from the elements, insulating them from both heat and cold. Making sure that the dog’s coat is thoroughly brushed out and all undercoat is removed so that the air can circulate through the coat will keep him/her cooler. The top coat of hair generally has a glossy shine that helps reflect heat during the hottest months. When this top coat is removed, the dull coat underneath has more opportunities to grab and store heat, making your pet hotter during the summer months. Care should be taken with all coats, in all weathers, to ensure the critical thermoregulation that happens under the coat.

  • At Paws N Pals Salon we use Frontline® Plus flea treatment that offers residual protection up to 30 days but does NOT prevent reinfestation. Proper flea control must also include treatment of the environment as well as the pet. This may include your home, yard, vehicle and your dog’s bedding. No topical flea control product can penetrate fleas while they are in the pupae stage. You will need to treat these areas at weekly intervals to kill the newly hatched fleas and break the life cycle in your yard or residence. It can take 3 to 4 treatments to completely rid the environment of fleas as per the flea life cycle. For chronic reinfestation at home, please consult your vet for a range of long-acting products that may be safe for your pet.

  • Most animals are very itchy when fleas are present. They will typically scratch and bite themselves in either one spot (a hot spot) or where the fleas are biting most frequently. Dogs will tend to bite their backs just above their tail, between the legs or scratch obsessively at the neck and collar. Hair loss on the dog’s back above the tail is another good indication fleas are present. Tiny black specs throughout the coat are a definite indication that fleas are feeding off your pet voraciously and steps should be taken to prevent anemia and over-infestation immediately.